Tuesday, September 11, 2012

So what is really going on with Auburn?

Let's see.....you've had the 4 players who robbed a trailer, a tragic shooting that happened at a pool party, giving up 500+ yards to Clemson, and then nearly 400 to Mississippi State. It's been a rough offseason for Auburn and it seems to trickle a little bit into the regular season. Probably not what you like to see or hear if you yell "War Eagle" in a gleeful tone.

As I've kind of taken a break and sat on the sidelines watching reports about off-the-field shenanigans, it seems the bug of scandal maybe trying to bite Auburn again.

Why does this keep coming up? We all remember the firestorm in regards to the Cam Newton case back in 2010. The sad part is, some have not been able to let it go. Face it, every school from Alabama, Auburn, Notre Dame, USC, Texas, Ohio St, Penn State, etc,  have been accused of cheating or some off the field antics and have been caught on some occassions.

As I've read into this Trovon Robinson story, from the text, it looks like it's a matter being investigated by the NCAA and seemed to be resolved by Auburn and the Memphis City School system.

I hear there is suppose to be a story that is coming out tomorrow that could shake the Auburn trees (okay bad phrase). I've reached out to some contacts in Auburn to see if I can find a trail. Will let you know if I get anywhere.

Today at Gene Chizik's press conference he stayed mum when asked about the NCAA's inquiry in Memphis in regards to Trovon Robinson. Usually it's clockwork that he would stay mum on questions like that and keep the focus on the upcoming game against a team that just beat Arkansas on their home turf.

That's understandable.

What troubles me is that Chizik is not the only one who is keeping tight lipped. Reading Kyle Veazey from the Memphis Commercial appeal. He indicates he has tried to reach out to Auburn on the inquiry and has had no response:

It was a question avoided. Here's another: Since Friday, The Commercial Appeal has been asking Auburn if it has received notice from the NCAA of an inquiry into its football program. Given the amount of NCAA activity that we've outlined in our pages over the past month, the question makes sense. All Auburn spokesman Kirk Sampson will say is this:
"We are are not going to discuss what the NCAA may or may not be doing in Memphis or elsewhere."
"Which, of course, does not answer the specific question -- whether Auburn has or has not received notice. I've continued to ask the question, either by email or phone message, to the compliance director, the athletic director, the university attorney, the university spokesman, the school president and two members of the board of trustees. No response, save for the university spokesman referring me to athletics. It's up to the schools themselves to acknowledge whether they've received such notices from the NCAA, a spokesperson for that organization confirmed to me Monday"

That usually raises a red flag, doesn't it? I could be, along with others, chasing another rabbit into an empty hole. You might be saying, "Well Jason, why are you wasting your time with this again?"

Good question. Now we get to the point of this post.

We've seen it with the recent yammering of Ralph Cindrich in regards to "Having something on Nick Saban" and saw how Alabama fans just basically fed the troll. Don't get me wrong. It was very entertaining.

But why was it entertaining? Because you can say just about anything and you can get a swarm of fans embarassing themselves in their raging idiocy. And I've seen it with many fan bases. The stories are going to come out, and people are going to make their accusations. It's going to happen whether you like it or not.

Now back to Auburn. The Never To Yield Foundation likes to take credit for outting Scott Moore and scorning Danny Sheridan for their recent stunts in the world of sports radio.

However, this has to be said and it's brutal honesty. There's a difference between assisting with the positive perception of an institution and a blantant terrorizing and going out for people's jobs. With this post, I could probably be in the gunsights of these fools because I'm not ALL IN with their message. However, I look at this from a lens that isn't crimson, white, orange, or navy. Do I think that Cam Newton was 100% innocent in regards to his case? No, I don't. Do I think that Auburn runs a program that would make God and Tim Tebow himself blush? No, I don't and that's the same for many institutions. However, if you can't prove it, don't try to. If you can prove it, bring it.

The moral of this story is......stop embarassing yourself. Never To Yield might need to yield before they start acting like a Democratic Economic terrorist group. I put them on the same level as Harvey Updyke. I dare you to dispute me. Until, let everything play out and go from there.