Monday, April 22, 2013

#SaveAJClemente He wasn't the first anchor to drop a swear word

As you may have seen and read already, the infamous viral video of NBC North Dakota anchor AJ Clemente's first on-air words have cost him his job.

For those who know me well enough, you have to be (as well as myself) impressed that I have never dropped an F-Bomb on the air in my near 6 year radio career. Although, I came very close once.
From what I gather, this kid was fresh out of college and obviously the nerves really got to him. Am I justifying his actions? No. However, given that this is not the first time this has happened in Local TV News history, maybe give him a nice talk, a slap on the wrist, and give him a chance at redemption.
In a society where everyone analyzes everyone else's flaws to distract from their own, I found it surprising the compassion and support this kid is getting. Whether it's genuine or for the sake of comedy is yet to be determined.
Firing him was probably a little too much. As I said before, this has happened to even the most seasoned anchors.....and I have video proof. WARNING: Contains Adult Language




And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Some anchors kept their job while others didn't. Now AJ Clemente will be haunted by his first day and who knows if he will bounce back. As a fellow member of the media, I hope he does.