Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Ten Second Proposal: Could be decided by women's administrators and Shenandoah University

No, not that Shenendoah, a band that was founded in Muscle Shoals, AL in 1984. As far as I know, Marty Raybon has not been on record about his stance regarding the 10 second substitution proposal by the NCAA.
Having said that, the productive fate of offensive minds like Gus Malzahn, Kevin Sumlin, and Mike Leach could be determined by three senior women's administrators and an Athletic Director from Shenandoah University.
Are they scheduled to job to an SEC school in 2016? I'm not sure.
Maybe I'm getting a little head of myself. Let's slowly review the ladder of approval in regards to this flawed and devolving rule proposal that tries to keep football frozen in time.
Here is a rundown of the Football Rules Committee via Jon Solomon of, and how many plays they run compared to Division average:
Football Rules Committee Members and Plays Per Game
NameSchool/Conference Plays Per GameNCAA Division Avg. Plays Per GameSchool Record
Alfred White, C-USA assoc. commissioner71.471.8 (FBS)Not applicable
Todd Berry, Louisiana-Monroe coach71.771.8 (FBS)6-6
Troy Calhoun, Air Force coach67.671.8 (FBS)2-10
Ken Beazer, Southern Utah AD66.570.5 (FCS)8-5
Thomas Yeager, Colonial Athletic Association commissioner70.470.5 (FCS)Not applicable
Robert Nielson, Western Illinois coach72.470.5 (FCS)4-8
David Sharp, Ouachita Baptist AD75.971.8 (Division II)7-3
Keith Allen, Southwest Baptist coach69.271.8 (Division II)1-10
Peter Rossomando, New Haven coach62.471.8 (Division II)8-3
Gregory Wallace, Grinnell College AD68.570.6 (Division III)2-8
Michael Mattia, Johns Hopkins associate AD81.170.6 (Division III)10-1
Brian Surace, Fairleigh Dickinson coach69.370.6 (Division III)1-9


Note: Plays per game for committee members who represent conferences were taken from their conference average, not an individual school.

Doesn't look optimistic to the majority of media, fans, and coaches who have spoken out against this proposed rule. That's not the most disturbing and possibly most infuriating part. The rule must be approved by the Rules Oversight panel in March.

Kevin Scarbinsky lists the members of the NCAA Oversight Panel:

Shelley Appelbaum, senior women's administrator, Michigan State.
Derita Ratcliffe, senior women's administrator, UAB.
Jeff Hurd, commissioner, WAC.
Noreen Morris, commissioner, Northeast Conference.
Lisa Sweany, AD, Armstrong Atlantic State University.
Kristy Bayer, senior women's administrator, Arkansas Tech.
Doug Zipp, AD, Shenandoah University.
Lynn Oberbillig, AD, Smith College.
Sue Lauder, AD, Fitchburg State University.

Now we're back to the Shenandoah reference, along with 3 women's administrators who could decide the fate of whether football will evolve, or if it will be put on ice until the next offensive guru can come up with a scheme that loopholes that lazy and petty rule. Let me say that again,  3 women's administrators could decide if Kevin Sumlin, Gus Malzahn, and Mike Leach can continue the evolution of football or give Nick Saban a victory in what seems to be a clash against time and innovation. You want to talk about fairness in the game. What is fair about these people deciding the fate of faster, innovative offenses? Defenses can evolve too, right? I'm waiting for your answer.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Targeting Dumb Rule Proposals

Who says the Iron Bowl isn't competitive all 365 days a year? Whoever is, has no clue or is lying to themselves.

Even after "The Kick Six", and the stupidity surrounding the signing of Rashaan Evans, another battle line has been drawn.

Nick Saban has been labeled the new posterchild for an NCAA rule proposal that would allow the defense 10 seconds to make subsitutions before the next play.

Saban has been vocal in the past about the evolving styles of Hurry Up, No Huddle offenses.

Coincidentally, the teams that have had the most success vs. Alabama in the Saban Era have ran these styles of offense. Saban's rival, Auburn, Coached by Gus Malzahn, runs this type of offense.

To label Saban the lone label of this rule wouldn't be fair. Other coaches have been outspoken in regards to the evolving faster paced offenses, including Arkansas Head Coach Bret Bielema.

A few things that bother me about this rule proposal:

1) The disingenious lobbying for it - Proponents for this rule say it is for player safety. I call bullcrap. Football is a contact sport and players risk getting hurt every play, it doesn't matter how many more or less plays are ran.

2) It hinders game evolution: If you want to be stuck in the 70's, go watch ESPN Classic. From the forward pass, the Triple Option, Maryland I, Wing-T, to the Fun and Gun. Football evolves. Monte Kiffin was famous for his Tampa-2 defense, which revolutionized the defensive game. Offenses have since evolved to where the Tampa-2 is now becoming obsolete.

3) The rule becomes null in two minute warning of each half- But yet 10 seconds can run off of a playclock per play before that time.

4) Physical defense have proven to shut these offenses down - Remember Auburn/Oregon 2010? Remember Oregon/Stanford last year? These fast paced offenses are effective, but not invincible.

5) Theses coaches are good enough to evolve and scheme to counter them - Even though it hasn't happened yet, they eventually will. Remember the Tampa-2 example earlier. It was once effective until the offenses evolved to make it obsolete.

Football has evolved and will continue to evolve. I personally don't think this rule will pass, and it shouldn't. It hinders innovation and pacifies the traditionalist, who probably hated Steve Spurrier's spread when he introduced it.

OTM Daily Action 2/13/14: The Sun peeks over the clouds

A 6-4-1 finish last night has me going in the right direction as I keep chipping back to the surface. 16-24-2 on the year.

Today's OTM Daily Action:

Brooklyn +3.5 @ Chicago

Oklahoma City -10.5 @ Los Angeles Lakers

Missouri -6 vs. Arkansas

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

OTM Daily Action: Weathering the Storm 2/12/14

Finally, my first winning day in the OTM Daily Action. It's 4-3 on the NBA, but I'll take it. Just like most in the Southeast are weathering winter weather (or approaching winter weather), I'm weathering the storm of bad picks but able to chip away to a 14-23-1. Meteorologists in North Alabama are getting grief because snow hasn't come yet. Their track record has been a little better than mine, so I'll cut them some slack. Here's an opportunity for me to Really catch up, or really be snowed in.

Here's your Daily Action:

Memphis -2 @ Orlando

Toronto -6.5 vs. Atlanta

San Antonio -3.5 @ Boston

Cleveland +7.5 @ Detroit

New York -5.5 vs. Sacramento

Denver +6 @ Minnesota

New Orleans -7 @ Milwaukee

Washington +9 @ Houston

Utah -8 vs. Philadelphia

Miami -1 vs. Golden State

Portland +9 @ LA Clippers

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

OTM Daily Action 2/11/14

A 2-3-1 finish last night didn't help at all. Now I'm weathering the storm at 10-20-1. Yeesh. Last time I put faith in the Philadelphia 76ers. While you're hunkered down for the potential snowstorm, you can pass the time either watching me finally getting on the right track or continuing the crash and burn.

Cleveland +105 ML vs. Sacremento

Dallas -4 @ Charlotte

Chicago -1 vs. Atlanta

Washington +4.5 @ Memphis

Phoenix +140 vs. Miami

Oklahoma City -103 ML @ Portland

LA Lakers -1.5 vs. Utah

Monday, February 10, 2014

People need to leave Rashaan Evans alone and Grow The Hell Up

For those who thought that I only magnify the stupidity of one fan base and give a pass to another, allow me to make that a myth right now.

The Auburn fans and the folks of Auburn, AL that are giving grief to an 18 year old kid and his family, for making a choice that was his and his alone, need to grow the hell up.

Andrew Bone with documents a story that is beyond pathetic.

In an interview with new Tide Signee Rashaan Evans (who was thought by most to go to Auburn), tells a tale of unnecessary sour grapes.

"It's getting worse," Evans said on Monday evening. "Someone actually put out an article about my family's business telling all Auburn fans not to go there. We are going to eventually start losing money. People are telling restaurants in the town not to serve us."

For a town and fan base that prided itself by showing class after the Iron Bowl, some in the Auburn fan base are showing their ass. Acting as if their religion had been defamed. This should assure Rashaan Evans that he made the right decision.

"Social media has definitely been the worst. People on Instagram are telling me how they hope I tear my ACL in game one. They will laugh when I do. They are saying my family is horrible and how they didn't raise me right. It's just crazy." 

You want to know why I hate following college football recruiting and show displeasure in most that do? This is an example. The keyboard and social media gangsters bow up to a kid that would probably flatten them and send them on a stretcher if they matched up on the field.

"Auburn fans are saying I am going to ride the bench, and I am going to be like Reuben Foster. People are adding his family and how they are low-lifes. They talk about his mom. You wouldn't think some of them are human. I knew it was going to be horrible. You know it's out of hand when people come up to you saying stuff. People you don't know. People who are grown men." 

That last sentence mentions grown men. That statement by Evans is wrong. The correct term is adult creeps who obsess over 18 year old athletes who probably fat, out of shape and couldn't get a scholarship to Alabama or Auburn because they write out "Kat" in blue or red crayons.

Best of luck to Rashaan Evans, he was a man who made his decision. Let the kid enjoy it and stop acting like you just came off a 3-9 season.

OTM Daily Action 2/10/14 Climbing out of the Well

Well, the only way you can go is up. Given the start to this 2014 year on the blog, going from 2-9, to 2-6, to 3-3 is considered a monumental step. Now it's time I climb out of the well. Could have been 4-2 but Chris Paul decided to show up for the Clippers while the Philadelphia 76ers decided not to show up at all.
Here are today's OTM action lines:
Denver +10.5 @ Indiana
Toronto -7 vs. New Orleans
San Antonio -3.5 @ Detroit
Houston -5 @ Minnesota
Boston -1 @ Milwaukee
Philadelphia +15 @ Golden State

Sports gets more political and We all become hypocrites

It seems to be like Groundhog Day in Washington where nothing gets done and we get nothing but finger pointing and blame games.

While the guy and gal working the part-time job (or looking for a job) is fighting to keep his family sheltered, we have legislators more focused on telling how Roger Goodell should run the NFL, and our media telling us how we should feel when it comes to stories about Michael Sam.

Allow me to actually put a clear version of these stories rather than it be coated in red or blue paint.

Michael Sam got a big weight off of his shoulders. Some will deem him a hero. Some will be proud of him and think he is courageous. Some will think it is none of their business, and some will thump their chest and say it's an abomination.

The media will demonize anyone who doesn't find Michael Sam's announcement heroic or courageous, even if they choose to disagree with the lifestyle and wish him the best of luck.

This same media that also will go out of it's way to demonize Tim Tebow or Phil Robertson for being open about their Christianity.

This maybe a newsflash for some, but Christianity forbids homosexuality along with other sins.

This will definitely be a newsflash to some. The religions of Islam, Judaism, and Mormonism also forbids it (although there are fractions that will accept it).

Let me see if I can put this together in science:

From my observations, the Liberal media will demonize Christianity, but not be as harsh on Islam.

Some on the evangelical fringe will condemn those like Michael Sam, but will defend Tim Tebow and Phil Robertson.

Seems contradicting and a little intolerant, right?

Yes I know, the democratic side is usually the preacher of tolerance. Just look at the people who are trying to get Rush Limbaugh off the air, yet will look at what Melissa Harris-Perry says about Mitt Romney's grandchild as not a big deal.

For most sane people, Tim Tebow speaking out about his faith will not bother them and to some is refreshing. Nor will it bother them that Michael Sam announced he is gay. Mostly because sane people will treat it as his choice and wish him the best of luck.

This issue has, if it hasn't already, been politicized. As much as you may not want to hear it, this story will beaten into your head until he gets drafted or after his first season.

If he doesn't get picked high enough, it will be because he is gay. If he doesn't play, it will be because he is gay. If he doesn't have a successful NFL career, it will be because he was held back for his life choice. This will be the narrative.

Many times I've already debunked the significance of where you are drafted (Tom Brady 6th Round, JaMarcus Russell, 1st overall).

What is really different? Even if this wasn't announced, he still has the opportunity to make a career in the NFL.

It's stories like this that shed light on the hypocrisy of our political crusades (on both sides of the aisle).

And just as if Washington needs another distraction, two congressman are now trying to push Roger Goodell and tell him how he should run the NFL.

Maybe this is my fiscal conservative side coming out, but I'd think that if the marketbase (NFL fans) had a majority that believed it was time to change the name of the Washington Redskins; they, as consumers should be able to make that choice. Not anyone else.

Just like the #StopRush movement (which has less movement than someone's bowels), where idiots who are not a part of the consumer base (the listeners) are trying to dictate and terrorize businesses on what they can listen to.

Yet, most of them have no problem with what any other show host says if their comments are considered distasteful or off the wall.

If you ever want to know why nothing can get done, these two stories are great examples.

It's all or nothing.

The agendas outweigh the solutions.

And there is no compromise.

noun: tolerance
  1. 1.
    the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.
    "the tolerance of corruption"
    synonyms:acceptance, toleration; More
    open-mindedness, broad-mindedness, forbearance, liberality, liberalism;
    "an attitude of tolerance toward other people"

    • the capacity to endure continued subjection to something, esp. a drug, transplant, antigen, or environmental conditions, without adverse reaction.
      plural noun: tolerances
      "the desert camel shows the greatest tolerance to dehydration"
      synonyms:endurance of, resistance to, resilience to, resistance to, immunity to More
      "she has a low tolerance to alcohol"

    • diminution in the body's response to a drug after continued use.
  2. 2.
    an allowable amount of variation of a specified quantity, esp. in the dimensions of a machine or part.
    "250 parts in his cars were made to tolerances of one thousandth of an inch"

Read that definition, and if the people who beat these drums were honest with themselves, they could see their hypocrisy. Conservative or Liberal. But let's be honest, they won't and probably never will.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Michael Sam announces he's gay; Anonymous NFL Execs remain out of touch

News breaks that All-American DE Michael Sam from Missouri announced to the nation that he was openly gay.

Although this is news to us now, this news was broken by Sam in the Missouri locker room in August.

The fact that the teammates kept this quiet throughout the season is very impressive. Also, it didn't seem to affect the locker room. After all, they did make an appearance in the SEC Championship game.

However, 8 anonymous NFL execs seem to think otherwise.


"I don't think football is ready for [an openly gay player] just yet," said an NFL player personnel assistant. "In the coming decade or two, it's going to be acceptable, but at this point in time it's still a man's-man game. To call somebody a [gay slur] is still so commonplace. It'd chemically imbalance an NFL locker room and meeting room."

You could look at what happened between Richie Incognito and Jonathan Martin and see a little validity in this statement. However, hasn't the Missouri locker room already proven that an issue like this wouldn't be a burden?

"I just know with this going on this is going to drop him down," said a veteran NFL scout. "There's no question about it. It's human nature. Do you want to be the team to quote-unquote 'break that barrier?'"

Some projections have Michael Sam anywhere from late 1st Round to possibly 4th. Of course, if he does drop below, a potential media firestorm of outrage is possible. One that would make the conversation about AJ McCarron's draft projections look like child's play.

You could look at the Jason Collins story and saw much hesitation from NBA teams to pick him up. Could it have been because of the media circus that would come with it? Or maybe there wasn't a slot for a career journeyman forward/center.

Obviously, there would be a media circus for any team that drafts Michael Sam. But, what does it say for theses eight anonymous NFL sources? Are they reluctant because of fan reaction or are they out of touch with the cultural shift in social issues?

Yes, there will be sprinkles of bigotry, it's expected. However, most people around my age look at this as it's not a big deal.

There will be some who will put Michael Sam on a pedestal. However, I think the only thing Michael Sam wants is to play football and not live a life of secrecy.

I don't think that's too much to ask for. Best of luck to Michael Sam.

The dust is settling, but something is missing in this Marcus Smart/Jeff Orr altercation

The incident between Oklahoma St sophomore Marcus Smart and Texas Tech "SuperFan" Jeff Orr is coming to it's conclusion. Or has it?

Smart has been suspended for 3 games while Jeff Orr will not attend a Texas Tech game for the remainder of the season.

Orr claims he called Smart "a piece of crap". You can sort of make it out in this audio/video footage from a camera under the goal that has been realeased.

But should calling someone a "piece of crap" warrant not attending games for the remainder of the season? Maybe not. Having said that, a middle-aged man shouldn't be calling a young student athlete anything like that; even though a student athlete has probably heard worse.

It seems like something is missing. Orr will be labeled a racist by some, despite lacking the burden of proof (at this time).

The only conclusion you can come to is that Smart overreacted in the heat of the moment or something other than "piece of crap" set him off like that.

There no reason for demonization of either, which is what most like to do when stories like this happened. We can look at the positives. Marcus Smart can learn from this and move on. Jeff Orr now can realize that as a die-hard fan, you're not invisible or immune from the consequences of your actions.

OTM Daily Action 2/9/14 The Winter of Our Discontnent

The mothership base looks to be getting more winter weather on the way. What's been colder and much more hectic, my picks in the OTM Daily Action, even worse than the failure of the Olympic ring animatron in Sochi. Maybe a day off will do me well enough to get me back on track after a 4-15 start. Yeah, it's been that bad. If you've picked against me, you're doing well. I hope to change that.
Stay bundled up with what I think will be some much warmer picks:
Chicago Bulls/LA Lakers (Under 194.5)
New Orleans +4.5 @ Brooklyn
Dallas -4.5 @ Boston
Sacremento +5.5 @ Washington
Orlando +8 vs. Indiana
Philadelphia +16.5 @ Los Angeles Clippers

OTM Podcast: Sean Adams from and Host of The Adams Theory joins me to talk Marcus Smart