Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Replacement Refs; New NCAA Helmet rule; The NFL and DNC

This new helmet rule by the NCAA has its good and bad sides. The good side is that it promotes safety for the players and actually forces them to properly fasten a helmet. The bad side is, it can now be used as a strategy to knock the helmet off of players, even impact players, for one play. Tajh Boyd had his helmet come loose 3 times in the Auburn game. It really didn't factor into the game by any means, but on a game changing drive it could. My point is, I understand the rule, but it can easily be exploited, and anyone would be smart to do so.

I find all of the conversations about the NFL referee situation kind of comical. Are the replacement referees bad? Yes. However, aren't we still going to complain about missed or blown calls with the good refs? I understand the players concerns about someone could get hurt in regards to missed penalty calls. Nevertheless, we still need referees to have a game. Eventually a deal is going to be done, Roger Goodell holds all the cards.

The National Democratic party is not as confident as Courage Wolf when it comes to President Obama making his acceptance speech at Bank of America stadium, home of the Carolina Panthers. Due to strong weather coming in Thursday, they moved it back to the Time Warner Arena, home of the Charlotte Bobcats. Rush Limbaugh said on his radio program that it maybe a ploy because they may not be able to pack out the 73,000 seat stadium. As easy as it is to come to that conclusion, I'll keep watch with an open eye. Watching the Convention has actually been comical. 

Exhibit A:;

You might be asking, why are you talking politics on a sports blog? Bear with me, watching this video reminded me of NFL referees. As much as we complain about the replacements, the professionals had their moments and this one reminded me of the platform vote:

The Time Warner Arena is the home of the Democratic National Convention, and giving the track record of the Charlotte Bobcats, the home team hasn't won that much lately. Democrats, I keed! But if you're bent out of shape over this paragraph send me your hate mail to