Monday, February 10, 2014

People need to leave Rashaan Evans alone and Grow The Hell Up

For those who thought that I only magnify the stupidity of one fan base and give a pass to another, allow me to make that a myth right now.

The Auburn fans and the folks of Auburn, AL that are giving grief to an 18 year old kid and his family, for making a choice that was his and his alone, need to grow the hell up.

Andrew Bone with documents a story that is beyond pathetic.

In an interview with new Tide Signee Rashaan Evans (who was thought by most to go to Auburn), tells a tale of unnecessary sour grapes.

"It's getting worse," Evans said on Monday evening. "Someone actually put out an article about my family's business telling all Auburn fans not to go there. We are going to eventually start losing money. People are telling restaurants in the town not to serve us."

For a town and fan base that prided itself by showing class after the Iron Bowl, some in the Auburn fan base are showing their ass. Acting as if their religion had been defamed. This should assure Rashaan Evans that he made the right decision.

"Social media has definitely been the worst. People on Instagram are telling me how they hope I tear my ACL in game one. They will laugh when I do. They are saying my family is horrible and how they didn't raise me right. It's just crazy." 

You want to know why I hate following college football recruiting and show displeasure in most that do? This is an example. The keyboard and social media gangsters bow up to a kid that would probably flatten them and send them on a stretcher if they matched up on the field.

"Auburn fans are saying I am going to ride the bench, and I am going to be like Reuben Foster. People are adding his family and how they are low-lifes. They talk about his mom. You wouldn't think some of them are human. I knew it was going to be horrible. You know it's out of hand when people come up to you saying stuff. People you don't know. People who are grown men." 

That last sentence mentions grown men. That statement by Evans is wrong. The correct term is adult creeps who obsess over 18 year old athletes who probably fat, out of shape and couldn't get a scholarship to Alabama or Auburn because they write out "Kat" in blue or red crayons.

Best of luck to Rashaan Evans, he was a man who made his decision. Let the kid enjoy it and stop acting like you just came off a 3-9 season.

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