Sunday, February 9, 2014

The dust is settling, but something is missing in this Marcus Smart/Jeff Orr altercation

The incident between Oklahoma St sophomore Marcus Smart and Texas Tech "SuperFan" Jeff Orr is coming to it's conclusion. Or has it?

Smart has been suspended for 3 games while Jeff Orr will not attend a Texas Tech game for the remainder of the season.

Orr claims he called Smart "a piece of crap". You can sort of make it out in this audio/video footage from a camera under the goal that has been realeased.

But should calling someone a "piece of crap" warrant not attending games for the remainder of the season? Maybe not. Having said that, a middle-aged man shouldn't be calling a young student athlete anything like that; even though a student athlete has probably heard worse.

It seems like something is missing. Orr will be labeled a racist by some, despite lacking the burden of proof (at this time).

The only conclusion you can come to is that Smart overreacted in the heat of the moment or something other than "piece of crap" set him off like that.

There no reason for demonization of either, which is what most like to do when stories like this happened. We can look at the positives. Marcus Smart can learn from this and move on. Jeff Orr now can realize that as a die-hard fan, you're not invisible or immune from the consequences of your actions.

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