Monday, February 24, 2014

The NFL wants to eliminate the N-Word; Maybe society should do the same (AND I MEAN EVERYONE!)

It looks like the NFL is trying to do something that society should be doing, but failing miserably at it. The NFL is proposing a rule for an automatic 15 yard penalty for use of the "N" word or other racial slurs.
In the grand scheme of things, this wouldn't eliminate the use of racial slurs entirely, but at least the NFL is trying. For that, I'll give them credit.
The reaction on social media has been somewhat thoughtful and also amusing.


He might be right, which is unfortunate. What this tells me is that instead of working together to maybe eliminate words or slurs that have no societal benefit whatsoever, will turn into an argument of entitlement and double standards. Do I really need to explain?
Name one societal benefit pertaining to the use of the "N" word without sounding ignorant and bigoted, and I'll show you a beach house in Denver. Neither one of those exist.
Irony? I've said this before and I'll say it again. How many people, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, or any other ethnicity use Redskin in their daily vocabulary as a racial slur? Very few compared to the word and other slurs in question. The tweet above is equivalent to what we call in our business as a stretch.
If you are a white person trying to justify the use of the "N" word because the black guys are using it as friendly term, STOP!
If you are a black person trying to justify the use of it by saying the white guys used a long time ago, STOP!
I agree with the NFL on this. Although it's not a fool-proof solution to the problem, at least they're trying.
We can all agree that this word has worn out it's welcome and has only caused division rather than unity. There's no exceptions, this word needs to go. Not only in the NFL, but our society as well.
However, call me pessimistic, this will spark stupid and unproductive debates when the end-all solution is staring us right in the face.
The NFL is trying, and maybe we ALL should as well and give this word a much overdue funeral. NO EXCEPTIONS. PERIOD.

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