Monday, February 17, 2014

Maybe it's time we start ignoring The Westboro Baptist Church

I know you're tired of the Michael Sam story, but it isn't going to go away anytime soon.

(Courtesy: @SBNation)

In the aftermath of Michael Sam announcing that he was gay, we knew this would eventually happen. The Westboro Baptist Church, who protested at the NCAA Final Four in the wake of Jason Collins's announcement, protested at the University of Missouri during their game vs. Tennessee on Saturday. Credit to the students, who stood in the way of these zealots that are nothing but bigoted attention whores.

On the Westboro Baptist website, there are numbers they list that would probably make anyone's, including the loving faction of Christianity, stomach turn:

      6799 - soldiers that God has killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • 52,146 - pickets conducted by WBC.
  • 918 - cities that have been visited by WBC.
  • 1182 - weeks that WBC has held daily pickets on the mean streets of doomed america.
  • 967 - people whom God has cast into hell since you loaded this page.
  • 218,400,000+ - gallons of oil that God poured in the Gulf.
  • $17.26 trillion+ - national debt of doomed america.
  • 8 - people that God saved in the flood.
  • 16,000,000,000 - people that God killed in the flood.
  • 144,000 - Jews that will be saved in these last days.
  • 0 - nanoseconds of sleep that WBC members lose over your opinions and feeeeellllliiiiiings.

  • What is actually comical is that they sing parodies of songs by Lorde, Katy Perry, The Beatles, and even Blake Shelton and consider them as hymms. I'm sure Katy Perry, Sir Paul, Lorde, and Blake Shelton are thrilled to know this.

    We love to throw the "Hate Speech" term over the dumbest things in this political climate. However, it's valid with these guys.

    Their next "high-profile" protest will be on March 2nd at The Oscars (according to their website).

    I think it's time for us as the media to begin ignoring these hateful people. Yes, I understand wanting to give kudos to the students at Missouri for taking a stand against this frivolous bigotry.

    However, I think it's time we ignore them all together. Mocking them, writing about them, and trying to shame them only fuels their fire. Which is probably why they write parodies for songs by Katy Perry (who probably doesn't approve of them doing so).

    We can't silence their voice by law, but we can silence their voice by clearly walking away, not writing about them, or even acknowledging their presence.

    Will it work? Probably not.

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