Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The DERP Files: Are Gary Danielson and ESPN part of an Anti-Alabama conspiracy?

A new feature I'm going to try on this blog is The DERP files. Where we highlight the unwarranted stupidity of sports figures, and fans.

This week I'll start with one that's kind of an old narrative. I was listening to Paul Finebaum on the way home and a caller was asking him what commentators were going to be doing the Alabama/Michigan game.

Here is a re-enactment (not exact words, for parody purposes only):

Caller: Hey PAWWWWL!!! Do you know who the two TV announcers are going to be for the Alabama/Michigan game?

Paul Finebaum: It's the primetime game on ABC so it will be Brent Musberger and Kirk Herbstreit.

Caller: Is it going to be that way all season PAWWWL or is it going to be that Gary Danielson feller?

Paul Finebaum: Gary Danielson and Verne Lundquidst will be doing the afternoon games on CBS.

Caller: PAWWWL, I don't like that Gary Danielson feller. I think he's anti-Bama. In that LSU game, he was talking them up so much and was wanting them to do something to Bama. I don't like him PAWWWL!

Paul Finebaum: So Gary Danielson is part of some anti-Bama conspiracy?

Caller: PAWWWL, they've killed me the last few years because of they're anti-Bama. They're always trying to find a way to put down Bama. Roll Tide PAWWWL!

I was originally going to write about the Bama fan who was accusing Tim Brando of being anti-Bama, but this just trumped that. If you're a Bama fan, or any fan of that matter, and the TV announcers bother you somewhat because of their anti-slate against your team, punch yourself in the face for me please. This is like the sports version of NBC, ABC, or CBS has too much of a liberal bias. It doesn't hurt to listen to a valid point or verbal stupidity from a side that isn't yours. It won't make you go into an excorcism. If you think Gary Danielson and Verne Lundquidst are annoying, I'll grant you that. However, I can assure you there is no conspiracy between CBS and/or ESPN to take down Bama or any team. Kirk Herbstreit was beating the Bama drum last year. If your theory (as stupid as it is) was correct, he would have been trumpeting the Oklahoma State argument for the BCS title bid. That didn't happen.

Just turn your TV down, your radio up, and just watch the game with a 10 second audio delay and stop wasting our time with stupid conspiracies.