Thursday, July 26, 2012

Has Scott Moore or Danny Sheridan reincarnated as Sports Agent?

I was listening to Paul Finebaum this afternoon. After being able to tolerate Darrell from Columbus's moronic and most likely meth-induced rants against another idiot caller, Finebaum caught my attention when he brought up Ralph Cindrich. He is a sports agent that resides in the Pittsburgh, PA area. If that name doesn't sound familiar to you already, you're soon going to be familiar with it. Cindrich had some choice words for Alabama Head Coach Nick Saban in 2010 during the agent uproar that led to then-Bama now Buffalo Bill's defensive lineman Marcel Dareus's suspension. I remember contacting Mr. Cindrich about coming on my show around this time....AND....I still have the e-mails from our conversation. I'll get to those later.

Cindrich went at it again, and I'm thinking to a new low. In the aftermath of the Penn State ruling by the NCAA, Cindrich went on KDKA and basically said the NCAA was out to get Penn State. We can try and be objective about this and be fair, but let's face it, he really meant this. I'm not going to stoop as low to say this guy is taking a giant leak on what happened to the victims of the Penn State coverup, but I can understand if you get that impression. Here are some quotes from the interview (courtesy of Don Kausler at :

Cindrich called NCAA president Mark Emmert "a bozo."
"When he starts talking about values and all the rest with student-athletes and college education and football, he's a hypocrite, and he knows he's a hypocrite."
 "Coming down the way they have on Penn State, and even the statements that they're making, it's not at all about the institution. ... We should be looking at them. There's something that smells about this whole thing. It came down too quickly, in my opinion."
I will say he's right about one thing, It came down real quickly. The conversation I find myself in is whether or not it was in the jurisdiction of the NCAA. You can argue either way, let's continue.
Cindrich was asked who is watching the NCAA.
"That's a very good question, No one's watching them. You want to know who's watching them? Nick Saban. You want to trust Nick Saban? I have enough on Saban right now - and I realize this stuff gets out, and I also realize the truth is a defense. I know what goes on in college football, so cut me a break. ..."Cindrich went on to say there is "garbage thrown out there by Emmert and the rest of academia about college football."
"It is not pure, lily white," Cindrich said. "It is not close to that. It is a professional sport, a billion-dollar industry. Everybody knows the underside of it. If they're out there, if they're around players, around campuses, they know what goes on. It's bad."
Everybody has something on Nick Saban, for God's sake," Cindrich said. "And if he has a problem with anything I say, come on after me, big guy."
WHAAAAAAAT???? Now that right there is a hell of a shot at Coach Saban. He's got something on him.....what's that???? Usually I hear the incoherent rednecks on Finebaum always accusing Nick Saban of paying players, yet there is no proof. Of course one of the hosts does a good job on following up in regards to "what he has" on Saban.
"I didn't say Nick Saban was behind this, or if I did, I apologize," Cindrich said. "I said, 'Like Nick Saban,' or, 'Like the other college coaches.' Let me say this: If you go to a seedy group out there - let's call them the agents out there of professional football players - and you start bringing them in and give them immunity ... you would hear things that make your hair turn gray. ..."Like violations. Like payola. I mean, I testify in these things, guys. There's so much money - are you guys really serious? Are you that naive to think that there really isn't thousands of dollars in payola given to players to play each Saturday?"
So if everybody knows the players are being paid, Cindrich was asked, why has the NCAA never done anything about it?
"Nick Saban doesn't want to lose his $5 million, $7 million (salary) - $5 million is what we know about," Cindrich said.
Cindrich was asked directly if Alabama players are being paid.
"Oh, come on," he said.
"When you get these guys down and you get them under oath, they'll tell you that. Sure.
"The statute of limitations has probably run as far as any criminality was involved to what I was relating to Saban, but I was involved in it. I know what he tried to do. I knWiow what he tried to cover up. If he wants to stand up and say something, I'll bring that up. If it's out of time, I'll go to the nearest agent I know, and I'll bring up about a dozen things that are in time, because that's the way he and most of the big-time schools, particularly in the SEC, operate."
 It seems Mr Cindrich is very confident in his words that there's some shadiness not only in Alabama, but in the SEC. 
1) What does this guy have against Nick Saban that leads to such talk?
2) Will his feet be held to the fire long enough to either site his proof or cower like Danny Sheridan and Scott Moore.
I happen to find some e-mails from 2010 when I tried to contact Mr. Cindrich for an interview for my show (I've blocked out e-mail addresses and contacts because I'm such a good guy. However, I have these e-mails saved):
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Marks 
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 6:59 AM
To: Ralph Cindrich
Subject: radio interview

My name is Jason Marks. I host a Saturday Sports Talk Show in Huntsville, AL. Would you be able to come on my show via phone and talk about the recent events involving NCAA Players, Agents, and your response to Nick Saban's comments?
------Original Message------
From: Ralph Cindrich
To: Jason Marks
Subject: RE: radio interview
Sent: Jul 23, 2010 6:08 AM

They don't still have the Clan down there do they?

Ralph E. Cindrich
Cindrich Law-Business
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Marks 
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 7:25 AM
To: Ralph Cindrich
Subject: Re: radio interview

I think that's Tennessee. You shouldn't have anything to worry about.
------Original Message------
From: Ralph Cindrich
To: Jason Marks
Subject: RE: radio interview
Sent: Jul 23, 2010 6:57 AM

What time Jason?

Ralph E. Cindrich
Cindrich Law-Business
Sports Consulting
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Marks 
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 8:17 AM
To: Ralph Cindrich
Subject: Re: radio interview

Either 10:20 or 11:30 CT.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Cindrich 
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 08:24:34
To: Jason Marks
Cc: Ralph Cindrich
Subject: RE: radio interview 11.20 Sat AM

OK but I'm not giving my location. Please put in call in number before radio interview in subject area? Also, in case I am biking, can you re-send in the morning so I don't have to search on my Blackberry. Not to big time you but I get a lot of email thru Twitter, Facebook, junk etc.

Ralph E. Cindrich
Cindrich Law-Business
Sports Consulting
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Marks 
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 8:33 AMTo: Ralph Cindrich
Subject: Re: College players/agents Nick Saban comments 11:20a CT Sat.
No problem. (Number censored)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Marks 
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 10:45 AM
To: Ralph Cindrich
Subject: Re: 11.20 am self defense-College players/agents NickSaban
One more question......would you be able to come on this afternoon between 2-5PM today on the Johnny Ballpark Franks show?Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
From: Ralph Cindrich 
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 10:09 AMTo: Jason Marks
Subject: RE: cancellation of radio interview
Jason--After consideration, I don't see an upside to playing on your home turf and doing an interview. I would consider another site to answer your questions.
Ralph E. CindrichCindrich Law-BusinessSports Consulting 
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Marks 
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 11:17 AM
To: Ralph CindrichSubject: 
RE: cancellation of radio interview
I can promise you, I'm not out on a witch hunt. I want to give my listeners an insight from an agents point of view. Ask how much involvement and high on priority the NFLPA has issues like these, your solution to the problem, why you disagree with Nick Saban's outlook. I do agree with one aspect of Nick Saban's rant when he said there should be a ban. However, I'm not out to make you out as the bad guy. I want to give you an outlet to express your view of it and how it will be resolved. I may work for a University of Alabama affiliate, but that doesn't mean I have to crucify you.
Jason MarksAssistant Program Director/WVNNProducer/WUMPCumulus BroadcastingHuntsville, AL
------Original Message------
From: Ralph Cindrich 
To: Jason Marks
Let me be clear: I would face you, Saban, Meyers, or anyone else in a public forum and have you for lunch but there is no upside to this except maybe getting the University in trouble. I am passing.
Ralph E. CindrichCindrich Law-BusinessSports Consulting
Now he did want us to make a promise to come on his "show" and referred me and Johnny as "buttholes" (I have that e-mail saved too). Although I wouldn't have had a problem with it, I was still kind of young and gunshy. 
For someone who runs his mouth alot, he seemed very willing to come on with me until I decided to push my luck. It comes down to this, if you're going to make a damning accusation of such, there's going to come a time when you have to present. If you are bluffing Mr. Cindrich, there's plenty of people who are going to go all in and call your bluff. You've opened up the can of worms. It's going to a time when you'll have to present. Otherwise, you'll just wind up being another Scott Moore or Danny Sheridan.

1 comment:

  1. Jason, do you really think he had something? If he does, what is his reason for holding back?
    You know imva bama fan, but I would love to hear what he's got. Neither you or Johnny were ever homers so it sounds like he's a little paranoid.
